Billet Turbo compatible for Caterpillar CAT Diesel C12 90-12 compatible for Detroit S60 up to 500HP 0R7574

Item Number 3002920668
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Compatible for Caterpillar Compatible for CAT C12 & Compatible for Detroit Diesel Series 60 Engine


Turbo Model: K31 K31-4070MPCKA24.92RCAYD
Compressor Inducer Dia: 71.00 mm
Compressor Exducer Dia: 102.00 mm
Compressor Wheel: 7/7 Blades
Inducer Dia.: 86.00 mm
Exducer Dia.: 77.00 mm
Turbine Wheel: 12 Blades
A/R: .28
Flange Type: T6
Condition: 100% Brand new item

Warranty: one year warranty for any manufacturing defect

Replace & Part Number: 

40-30354 BW , 172743 , 0R7084 , 0R7292 , 0R7574 , 
0R7575 , 0R-7575 , 0R7576 , 0R7578 , 0R7579 , 10R0457 
10R-0457 , 10R0458 , 10R-0458 , 10R0759 , 10R-0759 , 
10R1053 , 10R-1053 , 10R1055 , 10R-1055 , 10R2027 ,
10R-2027 , 10R3569 , 10R-3569 , 1309201 , 130-9201 , 135-5367 , 14030354-101 , 14030354-102 , 14030354-103 ,
14030354-104 , 14030354-105 , 14030354-106 , 14030354-107 , 1626495 , 1627603 , 1649403 , 1649490 , 1649496 ,
172253 , 172743 , 1906204 , 190-6204 , 190-6205 , 190-6206 , 1906207 , 190-6207 , 1906208 , 1906210 , 190-6210 ,
1906212 , 190-6212 , 1906213 , 190-6213 , 2033376 , 203-3376 , 2036124 , 203-6124 , 2146091 , 214-6091 , 2192227 ,
219-2227 , 2221448 , 2293554 , 229-3554 , 23522188 , 
23522189 , 23522190 , 23522191 , 23522306 , 23522312 ,
23522781,23523040 , 23523478 , 23524103 , 23525462 ,
23526016 , 23526017 , 23526271 , 23526272 ,23525464 ,
23526679 , 23526680 , 23526681 , 23526682 , 23526683 , 
23526684 , 23526685 , 23526692 , 23528052 , 23528053 ,
23528054 , 23528055 , 23528056 , 23528057 , 23528058 ,
23528059 , 23528060 , 23528062 , 23528063 , 23528064 ,
23528065 , 23528066 , 23528067 , 23528069 , 23528089 , 
23528512 , 23528530 , 23529103 , 23529780 , 23534440 ,
2384450 , 238-4450 , 239-5581 , 2395583 , 239-5583 , 2411700 ,
 241-1700 , 2472957 , 247-2957 , 2472958 , 247-2958
2472960 , 247-2960 , 2472962 , 247-2962 , 2472963 , 
247-2963 , 2472965 , 247-2965 , 2472967 , 247-2967 , 2472980
247-2980 , 2472981 , 247-2981 , 2558140 , 255-8140 , 2567737 , 
256-7737 , 2585839C91 , 2669796 , 266-9796 , 2957952 ,
295-7952 , 2957972 , 295-7972 , 4710650002 , 471065-0002 , 53319707001 , 53319707101 , 53319887001 , 53319887101
7002285003 , 700228-5003 , 7020155003 , 702015-5003 , 7020155005 , 702015-5005 , 7020155006 , 702015-5006 ,
7022285020 , 702228-5020 , 7022840007 , 702284-0007 , 7022845001 , 702284-5001 , 7022845003 , 702284-5003 ,
7022845006 , 702284-5006 , 7022845007 , 702284-5007 , 7022845008 , 702284-5008 , 7022845009 , 702284-5009 ,
7022847 , 702284-7 , 7023030002 , 702303-0002 , 7023035002 , 702303-5002 , 7024680002 , 702468-0002 , 7024682 ,
702468-2 , 7024685002 , 702468-5002 , 7024685003 , 702468-5003 , 7024689002 , 702468-9002 , 7028855001 , 702885-5001,7028855002 
702885-5002 , 7028930001 , 702893-0001 , 7028930002 , 
702893-0002 , 7028930003 , 702893-0003 ,702893-5002S , 7028935004S ,
7028930004 , 702893-0004 , 7028932 , 702893-2 , 7028934 , 
702893-4 , 7028935002S , 
702893-5004S , 7028939002 , 702893-9002 , 7037675005 , 
703767-5005 , 7037675006 , 703767-5006 , 7037685001 ,
703768-5001 , 7037685002 , 703768-5002 , 7120155001 , 
712015-5001 , 7145080001 , 714508-0001 , 7145080003 ,
714508-0003 , 7145080004 , 714508-0004 , 7145081 , 
714508-1 , 7145083 , 714508-3 , 7145084 , 714508-4 , 7145085001S ,
714508-5001S , 7145085003S , 714508-5003S , 7147850004 , 714785-0004 , 7147850005 , 714785-0005 , 7147850006 ,
714785-0006 , 7147870003 , 714787-0003 , 7147870020 , 
714787-0020 , 71478720 , 714787-20 , 7147873 , 714787-3 ,
7147875003 , 714787-5003 , 714787-5003S , 7147875020 , 714787-5020 , 7147875020S , 714787-5020S , 7147880001 ,
714788-0001 , 7147880003 , 714788-0003 , 7147880005 , 714788-0005 , 7147880006 , 714788-0006 , 7147883 , 714788-3 ,
7147885 , 714788-5 , 7147885001 , 714788-5001 , 7147885001S , 714788-5001S , 7147885003 , 714788-5003 , 714788-5003S,
7147885005 , 714788-5005 , 714788-5005S , 7147885006 , 714788-5006 , 714788-5006S , 7147886 , 714788-6 , 7147889003 ,
714788-9003 , 7147889005 , 714788-9005 , 7147889006 , 714788-9006 , 7147890001 , 714789-0001 , 7147890003 ,
714789-0003 , 7147890006 , 714789-0006 , 7147890007 , 714789-0007 , 7147890008 , 714789-0008 , 7147890009 , 714789-0009 ,
7147891 , 714789-1 , 7147895001 , 714789-5001 , 7147895001S , 714789-5001S , 7147895007 , 714789-5007 , 714789-5007S ,
7147895008 , 714789-5008 , 7147897 , 714789-7 , 7147910002 , 714791-0002 , 7147912 , 714791-2 , 7147915002 , 714791-5002 ,
7147915002S , 714791-5002S , 7147920003 , 714792-0003 , 7147920004 , 714792-0004 , 7147920005 , 714792-0005 , 7147920007 ,
714792-0007 , 7147923 , 714792-3 , 7147925002 , 714792-5002 , 714792-5002S , 7147925003 , 714792-5003 , 714792-5003S ,
7147925004 , 714792-5004 , 7147925005 , 714792-5005 , 7147929003 , 714792-9003 , 7147945001 , 714794-5001 , 7147950002 ,
714795-0002 , 7147950005 , 714795-0005 , 7147952 , 714795-2 , 7147955 , 714795-5 , 7147955002 , 714795-5002 , 7147955002S ,
714795-5002S , 7147955005 , 714795-5005 , 7147955005S , 714795-5005S , 7147955006 , 714795-5006 , 7147960001 , 7147960002
, 714796-0002 , 7147962 , 714796-2 , 7147965001 , 714796-5001 , 7147965002 , 714796-5002 , 7147965002S , 714796-5002S ,
7147969001 , 714796-9001 , 7162690001 , 716269-0001 , 7162690002 , 716269-0002 , 7162690003 , 716269-0003 , 7162691 ,
716269-1 , 7162692 , 716269-2 , 7162693 , 716269-3 , 7162695001S , 716269-5001S , 7162695002S , 716269-5002S , 7162695003S ,
716269-5003S , 7162920001 , 716292-00



1. Turbine housing: Silicon-Molybdenum - High temperature resistance, highly stable and ductile, corrosion and crack resistant, increases durability and reliability.
2. Turbine Wheel: K419 alloy - H temperature resistance, efficiently converts engine exhaust gasses into kinetic energy, resists thermal breakdown for smooth reliable operation.
3. Billet Compressor Wheel: Forged billet aluminum CNC machined compressor wheel - High efficiency, fast response, lower fuel consumption, smooth operation.
4. Oil Seal: High-speed steel oil seal ring - Abrasion and heat resistant, protects bearings, prevents oil leakage and smoking.


* Please confirm your original turbo PART NUMBER before Purchasing
* Professional installation is highly recommended 
* Before installing the new turbocharger, the cause that led to the failure of the turbo must be analyzed and eliminated (e.g. insufficient oil supply, foreign bodies in the intake area, crankcase ventilation without function, etc.)

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Recommended By
"This one has the Billet wheel on it while the other one has the cast and this should spin a lot more efficiently."
152K subscribers
"We're at 16 pounds of boost right now and it's making 500 horsepower so I'm really happy with it."
--Texas Honda Channel
44.7K subscribers
"This is cnc machined and generally billet wheels such as this one it'll keep the charge temperatures cooler which theoretically would make more horsepower."
--Matthew Chevalier
26.5K subscribers
"More durable, probably gives you more power and it looks cool in your engine bay."
14.8K subscribers
"These turbos now are absolutely sick and reliable I know people that have ran these 200 300 kilowatts and are still running them no issues."
--Rex H
13.1K subscribers
"I've ran numerous nine second passes with these turbos and have had no problems with them."
--Robby V's Garage
13.1K subscribers
"This appears to be a nice unit, that will be a good step towards boosting my Iroc-Z with a $200 Turbo!!!"
47.2K subscribers
"Yeah it looks like it's a pretty good turbo it's got the the gold Billet upgraded wheels that all the new Max speeding rods high performance turbos have and I believe they're balanced as well yeah it's balanced."
--Rex H
13.1K subscribers
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